Monday, May 27, 2013

Before Departing for Ireland...

Hello, my name is Casey Cox and believe it or not, this is my first official blog although I am a writer. I am majoring in English--Creative Writing at Berry College and next year will be my senior year. I have never traveled outside of the United States but I have always wanted to. I figured that college would be the best time in my life to go abroad since it may be the only time in my life when I don't have a full-time job. (Not to mention the great learning experience that studying abroad offers with a pretty good price and well-planned schedule of what to do and where to stay.) I am taking World Literature II and Art in Life: Ireland while I am studying in Waterford, because both subjects really appeal to me. I love to read and write, as well as draw and paint in my free time. I thought it would be a great opportunity to be able to survey remarkable pieces of art in another country that is rich in culture.
I chose to study abroad this summer because I knew it would be my last chance before graduating college. This program stood out to me because I have always been interested in traveling to Europe, and Ireland is so beautiful. I took one look at the lush green hills and knew... this is where I wanted to travel first. Ireland is also home to many famous authors and award-winning poets. As an aspiring writer myself, I wanted to see where these writers were inspired and composed some of the most well-known works of literature in the world. The Waterford program also offered great opportunities to travel across the country during class field trips and long weekends, and I can never pass up an offer to learn new things while experiencing new sights and places. This country also appealed to my parents as being to most friendly to Americans... which can't hurt either. Also, as a side note, I am a Spanish minor but have learned that in college it is difficult to really learn the language fully (even if you are a minor) and that speaking it in class is not the same as in real life, and I really didn't want to go to a Spanish-speaking country without the confidence that I knew what I was saying in their native language. So, an English-speaking country was definitely favored.
I am so excited to go to Ireland. I cannot wait to set foot on another country, on another continent, breathe in the new air, and realize that I am thousands of miles away from home. I can't wait to stand in awe of the beauty of Ireland and know that I will never forget my experiences there. I will probably not want to leave. I love nature and anything green and beautiful, so I have no doubts that I will fall in love with Ireland at first sight. Also, the accents really intrigue me. And I love to explore, especially romantic places like castles and museums, so this class will be really great. But more than anything, I am so excited to write about everything!  
Although the trip is going to be great, I am nervous about a few small things. I am a pretty agreeable person, so I am not worried that I won't make friends or I won't get along with roommates, but at this point I do not have any current friends going on the trip and I know that many people do. I am slightly worried that people will stick to those that they know and it will be difficult for me to "join" their group, (which I would prefer not to do, I like making a new group of friends) and I will feel left out. I like to make everyone feel included, so I hope that everyone can become friends with each other and no one will feel lonely. I am also nervous that there will be somewhere that I want to visit but no one will want to visit with me. I know we need at least three people in a group, so I hope that I can find other fellow adventurers who want to travel with me. Lastly, I have never flown on a plane without my family, so I worry that I will be stuck next to someone that smells or drools or talks when I'm trying to take a nap... But besides those little worries, I am ready to pack, get on the plane, and start my adventure through the Irish country.

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